Challenge 3
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Because we have worked with numerous clients over the past 18years and seen their successes, we know that there is only one way to build an accountable and high performing team of leaders.
Be focused on being an exemplary leader.
- Inspire and encourage others to do the same
- Provide absolute clarity
- Take any steps necessary to achieve ‘buy-in’ to your vision
- Hold regular and exciting meetings
- Hold people accountable to perform to the agreed standards
- Make it enjoyable for everyone
- Make sure your people feel valued and significant
All of this is very, very simple yet very hard to achieve unless you really commit to it and focus on success.
Many of the successful leaders we work with have achieved a great team of ‘willing and accountable volunteers’ with our support by consistently following the widely acclaimed Merriweather methodology.
Take the time out to consider your own leadership style and approach.
Commit to holding regular quarterly leadership team meetings. We recommend 2 day every quarter, offsite.
Use a Merriweather coach and facilitator to support you in making these meetings the most relevant and exciting meetings your team have ever attended.
Provide absolute clarity to the team.
Allow the team the time to speak and be heard.
Allow the team to decide what the priorities are.
Make your team a fun and inclusive place to be where everyone is respected, feelings are respected, time is respected and honesty is expected.
Introduce your team to the Merriweather concept of REG – Respect, Empathy and Genuineness.
Get SMART and ambitious actions into a 90 day dashboard including both business and people deliverables.
Through these effective, facilitated meetings your team will grow together and start to unite and achieve more with ever improving alignment.
It simply requires the leader to become more focussed and committed to more exemplary leadership.
Undertake the Effective Leadership survey.
Get your team to undertake the Effective Leadership survey.
Plan to do the survey twice. Once now and again in 6 months’ time. Make the findings and actions for improvement part of your regular 1:1 conversations.
Once your team members feel as if they own the vision as their own they will do so much more.
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